Over the years, KF Group has coached many great individuals in guiding them to explore the utilize the career strengths in them. All of them have great talents, and before they came to us, they felt unhappy, lost or unsure at some points in their lives. KF Group is very happy to have added value to their career lives, leading them to pursue a strength-based career!
Let’s listen to what they have to say.
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]http://career-strengths.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/417334_3188432425624_1110219993_3278410_1662257476_n.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]
I have known Kelvin, founder of Career Strengths Singapore for years, at all times I found him to be dependable and reliable, maybe to some people he has a little bit of sense of humor. We have been working together in two different company and if to describe our relationship will be more towards friend rather than a colleague.
He has been a sharing kind of person since I know him, there is one thing that I can’t deny he is the one who giving me guidance and exposes me to ‘things’ that I wanted most and that made me a person I wanted to be.
I can now clearly see step to step to my dream, my goal and it is just a matter of time for me to achieve that, in other words ‘i can see my future’ don’t get it wrong as he is not a prophet nor a voodoo witch but he can guide you to build your path to your success. You may say he is just guiding and you may say “when times come I will know”, so what so great about him?
Maybe you will find yourself someday but if you have a second thought in your mind and think again with this – ‘You will never know things that you DON’T know don’t you? (Kelvin). Everyone want to be successful in their life but yet why there are so little to achieve that? it’s mainly because they are not in their correct path… a path to their own success.
Kelvin is just doing what he good at and so he is on his path. To those haven’t found your key to your path I believe kelvin will be able to help at least I found mine through him.
Well, he has really changed my life.
– Youjin, 27[/author_info] [/author]
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://scontent.fhan2-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17990802_1354622907956724_5509686038023953975_n.jpg?oh=31667db641939e2298ecb12f77e048d9&oe=59820899[/author_image] [author_info]
A great hour of experience. Thank you very much for sharing of Mr. Foo and his staff’s help. That is a big lesson about confidence with me.
– Tang Hung Cuong, 20[/author_info] [/author]